Verslag vanuit Jakarta, Indonesië

Mikael Homanen and Erwin Geenen represented the Orange Kids Foundation in Jakarta. Enhousiastic persons as they are, they decided to organize two events instead of one! Below you can read the update – a recap of conversations we’ve had with them. Thanks for all your effort guys!

We planned the first day with some sort of relay, 4 sports that needed to be completed in a row, and football. The first one was carrying a marbel on a spoon while the spoon was held in one’s mouth. The second one was moving a small plastic ball to the next cone using just 1 finger, followed by spinning 10 rounds and walking to the last cone. The final game was eating ‘kroepoek’, while being blindfolded. Since kroepoek is so popular here the final game was also the most fun for the children.


Last Thursday we held the second sports day and the kids really had fun! We all gathered at the Community field around 4 o’ clock. We gathered quite late, because we wanted to make sure that the kids would receive nutrition and snacks immediately after the sports event, considering that fasting would end around six p.m.


We had around 70 kids joining us on the final day. The kids were divided into six teams and each were provided with team leaders (either AIESEC representatives or volunteers). We had three different activities: Tug of war, sack race and football. The kids circled around the field and it truly showed that all the kids had fun on each separate event! The day ended quite early, around 5.30 pm. The kids hadn’t eaten or drank anything for 12 hours, due to fasting and we knew they couldn’t do too much. We ended the event by giving the kids snacks, water, t-shirts and medals. The kids really enjoyed this, and so did we!

– Mikael Homanen and Erwin Geenen

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